The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook is the leading responsible business publication in South Africa, providing reliable data and thought leadership that contributes to deepened understanding of, and impact in, development. The Handbook responds to the increasingly holistic role of business within society, encapsulating but not bound by the concept of corporate social investment.

The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2024 (27th edition)
This edition of the Business in Society Handbook is focused on the them ‘Collaborating for change’. In a world where complex problems require new ways of thinking about solutions, the Handbook explores various aspects of collaboration, including various models of collaboration, the state of collaboration in the corporate and nonprofit sectors and successful collaborative initiatives which are driving change. It also reflects a stronger research focus, presenting not only the findings of our extensive primary research with companies and nonprofit organisations, but also a round-up of relevant local and global research on development and responsible business.

The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2023 (26th edition)
The 2023 Handbook shifts focus to the future, following the celebration of The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook’s 25th year in 2022. Along with research, insights, and the latest data, we explore trends in responsible business and corporate social investment (CSI), the role of AI in development and consider the future of both CSI and the non-profit sector. This edition also features responsible business and development research roundups from various organisations.

The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2022 (25th edition)
The 25th anniversary edition of The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook focuses on the evolution of business in society over the past two decades, reflecting on trends, best practice, and the way forward in a post-pandemic world. The Handbook consider how corporate responsibility, social expectations and giving practices have changed over time, within the broader context of major socioeconomic shifts.

The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2021 (24th edition)
The 24th edition of the Handbook, themed ‘How business can help build back better’, looks at how the private sector can help to rebuild in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and other crises. It includes Trialogue’s bespoke research on corporate social investment (CSI) in South Africa, case studies, insightful article on responsible business, an overview of development-sector spend for 2021, and viewpoints from a range of industry leaders.

The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2020 (23rd edition)
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant setbacks in South Africa’s development, even greater than those caused by the global financial crisis in 2008/9. More than double the number of jobs has been lost and the country has faced unprecedented hunger and deprivation. At the same time, we have seen extraordinary humanitarian support.

The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2019 (22nd edition)
In this 22nd edition of the Trialogue Business in Society Handbook, we explore the role that business can play in helping to address South Africa’s gaping socioeconomic divide and, beyond financial investment, how companies can contribute to greater inclusion and equity.

The Business in Society Handbook – 21st Edition (2018)
This 21st edition of the Handbook builds on the publication’s well-established reputation for providing comprehensive and reliable data and thought leadership on corporate social investment (CSI), while also responding to the increasingly holistic role of business within society, including but not bound by the concept of CSI.

The Trialogue CSI Handbook 2016 (19th edition)
This edition has a special focus on the recently adopted Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) referenced throughout the publication, helping to position local developmental issues within a global context.

The Trialogue Funders Guide to Social Development in South Africa (2015)
This first edition of the Trialogue Funders Guide, which collates expert research and analyses, has been compiled as a user-friendly resource to help funders of social development, by simplifying the funding process and helping to make it more effective.

The Trialogue CSI Handbook 2014 (17th edition)
2014 marks 20 years of democracy, and The Trialogue CSI Handbook has been there almost all the way. This year we publish the 17th edition of this invaluable resource, which features research, case studies and best practice in the field of corporate social investment.