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Trialogue’s wrap-around offering provides companies with the opportunity to profile their work and share their insight with peers in the development sector, reinforcing their messaging and commitment to development in print – in The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook; online – on The Trialogue Knowledge Hub and Trialogue website; and through The Trialogue Business in Society Conference and Trialogue webinars. Together, these integrated knowledge-sharing platforms collate a wealth of information that is delivered to a broad audience.

Our overarching theme across Trialogue’s knowledge-sharing platforms in 2024 is ‘connect, collaborate, change’. Connect with other businesses, non-profits, and with the people whom we serve. We know that no single player can solve South Africa’s problems alone. And this is why we focus on finding better ways to collaborate and learn from each other. But connection and collaboration have little impact if they don’t lead to change. We must use them to take a step forward.

Corporate clients interested in profiling their CSI and shared value initiatives, positioning their brands as thought leaders in the responsible business sector and, importantly, contributing to knowledge-sharing that aims to enhance developmental outcomes and sustainability, are invited to partner with Trialogue on a holistic thought leadership strategy.