Since 2017, Trialogue has assisted the MTN Group with the development and compilation of their annual sustainability report. This report supplements their integrated report to communicate the group’s sustainability strategy and performance to a wide range of stakeholders. During this time, Trialogue has assisted MTN to enhance the quality of the report through the provision of advisory and research services.

For the 2020 report, in which MTN unveiled their Ambition 2025, Trialogue supported MTN to enhance their sustainability risk disclosures to provide a more nuanced view. In addition, we enhanced Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) disclosures and incorporated additional GRI data into the body of the report, improving the linkages between sustainability metrics and MTN’s sustainability performance.

There is a growing focus on how companies respond to and prepare for the impact of climate change on their organisation and stakeholders. As such, the understanding of climate change risks was enhanced together with disclosures around climate change.

“Through assistance provided by Trialogue, MTN was about to strategically demonstrate how it is responding to the socio-economic challenges faced by societies across its footprint ,” said Marina Madale, MTN Group’s general manager of sustainability and shared value.